

拟议的骨科医学院预计将带来1美元.40亿到科罗拉多州 Economy

Governor announces support of new legislation (HB24-1231) to fund four higher education health profession initiatives to address workforce need, including UNC's proposed 医学院.

本文更新于2月11日. 13日,2024年,以反映从一个变化的账单号码 HB24-0196到HB24-1231

北科罗拉多大学提议 骨科医学院 预计将使科罗拉多州的经济增长1美元.在未来的20年里,将有40亿美元的收入 just over half a billion of that impact ($501 million) remaining in Weld County.  

这一信息在最新发布的公告中有详细说明 经济影响报告 that measures just how beneficial the new medical college will be to both the state and Weld County economies from 2023, when the first operational expenditures occurred, 到2042年. Beyond the 20-year timeframe of the study, the report further projects that the college will continue to positively impact Coloradans well into the future, 贡献至少197美元.每年为该州经济增加200万美元的收入. 

"The establishment of a medical college heralds a transformative era for our city," 格里利市经理雷蒙德·李说. “这不仅意味着一项深思熟虑的投资 in healthcare but in our community's vitality, fostering enhanced engagement, economic 在我们充满活力的城市景观中实现增长和有意义的伙伴关系. 的加入 students, families and job opportunities will significantly contribute to the future 这个社区的.”  

The report, conducted by Lightcast, a global leader in labor market analytics with over 20 years of experience working with institutions of higher education, measures the impact of the proposed college on the state’s economy for both short- and long-run factors. 其中包括106美元.资本支出增加了300万美元的收入 during the construction phase of the new facility, which is expected to last through 2027, as well as long-run impacts over the course of the next 20 years from operations ($356.700万美元),游客消费(4700万美元).学生支出(202万美元).600万) 校友的收入也更高(691美元).200万).  

Over the same 20-year timeframe, taxpayer benefits are expected to exceed $83 million 增加的税收收入. 

While the report confirms that the proposed college is good for the economy, UNC President Andy Feinstein emphasized that the real mission and purpose of the new medical college is to educate more students who will be prepared to meet the critical and growing 全州乃至全国对医生的需求.  

“UNC has long been a driver of societal and economic impacts for the region and the 范斯坦说. “开设医学院是北卡大学服务的另一个例子 as a partner and meeting an important need for the betterment of the communities we serve.” 

The Association of American Medical College projects a physician shortage of between 到2034年,全美将有37,800个,12.4万个. 短缺是由几个因素造成的 factors — population growth, an increasing aging population that requires more health care services as they get older, as well as an aging health care workforce, of which 未来几年将有相当一部分人达到退休年龄.  

在美国科罗拉多州.S. 卫生资源和服务管理局表示少于 35% of Coloradans’ needs for 医生 is currently being met and the Robert Graham Center forecasts that by 2030, the state will need an additional 1,773 primary-care 医生.  

UNC's proposed 骨科医学院 is one solution that will help address that shortage as it will have the capacity to graduate an additional 150 new doctors 每年都进入劳动力市场. 

"Choosing a program that focuses on osteopathic medicine is an intentional strategy on the part of our university to help address the physician shortage that we're seeing 在我们自己的州。. 贝丝·朗格内克,拟建学院的创始院长 整骨疗法医学. 科罗拉多州64个县中有61个已被指定 作为初级保健专业人员短缺的领域. do更倾向于练习 primary care compared to MDs and they have a long tradition of providing care in communities 病人缺少医生." 

Over the past two years, the university has made significant progress to make their 建立新医学院的愿景成为现实. 主要成就包括 submitting for applicant status with the Commission on Osteopathic College 认证 (COCA), receiving statutory authorization from the state to offer specialized degree programs in osteopathic medicine, hiring a founding dean for the proposed college, obtaining the necessary clinical rotation sites and securing over $31 million in philanthropic 帮助支付启动费用的资金. 

根据范斯坦的说法,the next critical step of securing the remaining $170 million necessary to complete the project through an investment from the state is looking more promising than ever. 2月1日星期一. 12, Governor Polis announced his support for HB24-1231, a $247 million Certificate of Participation Bill intended to build infrastructure and increase the health professions workforce across the state by preparing more doctors, nurses, veterinarians 以及专职医疗人员.  

The proposed legislation will provide $128 million for UNC to construct a building for the medical college, with the remaining funding going toward other healthcare workforce projects at Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado State University 和特立尼达州立学院. 该州还将动用大约4100万美元的预算 statutory reserve to strategically invest in the escrow needs of the project, as required by COCA.  

这项立法得到了众议员的两党支持. 玛丽·杨和林赛·多尔蒂 和Sens. Barbara Kirkmeyer和Kyle Mullica, 于2月推出. 12. If it passes, UNC expects to have its first class of students in the College of Osteopathic 医学早在2026年秋天. 

Full Economic Impact Report of the 北科罗拉多大学's College of Osteopathic 科罗拉多医药


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